Enroll today to get great and affordable training in our healthcare programs.
Enroll today to get great and affordable training in our healthcare programs.
The growing uncertainty in health care and economical volatility is causing a rift in the healthcare industry, consequentially increasing disparity in healthcare access. More and more individuals are seeking healthcare at home because not only it’s a personal environment, but also cost effective for clients and reimbursing parties (Medicare, Medicaid, or Private Insurance company).
Our team realizes that home health aides are a special group of individuals at the frontlines of medical care to serve as a bridge between clients and the care team. We have no doubt that a properly trained Home Health Aide/Facilitator will surmount to a capable care taker able to identify client needs and function as their advocates.
Avenir Solutions is dedicated to train and equip individuals who are passionate in providing compassionate care to those who have been marginalized and ignored. The design of our curriculum will enable our enrollees to not only be a proficient caretaker but also a progressive professional seeking out opportunities to advance their medical career.
We are a team of practicing nurses dedicated to alleviate patient suffering. We all know the US health care industry is standing at crossroads to define its evolution and establish the new gold standard of medical innovation and health care services. But as progressive caregivers, we understand “health” is defined as the complete well-being of an individual to include physical, mental, social, emotional, and spiritual aspects. Through years of nursing practice, our team’s realization Advocacy Empowerment Integrity of patient Lies at home Healthcare begins at home and is most powerful at home. They say laughter is the best medicine, but our philosophy is that laughter at home is the most powerful medicine.